MP sees The Appeal of 5% VAT cut for Luxury Window Shadings

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MP, Ms. Dawn Primarolo, Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons, has visited the factory and offices of Appeal Home Shading as part of lobbying campaign for a 5% cut in VAT on a selected range of higher priced domestic products including blinds and shutters.

Ms. Primarolo was a Minister in the last Labour Government including being Financial Secretary to the Treasury and Paymaster General. She visited the Bristol based company to show her support to the window shading manufacturer as its Chief Executive prepares to directly lobby senior figures in the Shadow Cabinet.

Ms. Primarolo was particularly impressed with the technology, the precision and the complexity involved in making specialist blinds and she also commented on the harmonious and friendly atmosphere in meeting members of staff.

Following the tour of the factory and offices, Ms. Primarolo had a private meeting with the Directors of Appeal and discussed the influences on the industry and specifically an immediate though temporary 5% cut in VAT on a selected range of higher priced domestic products including blinds and shutters, kitchens, carpets and furniture and other similar products.
Ms. Primarolo commented, “For some time now the Shadow Cabinet has been calling for a temporary reduction in VAT which would help get the economy moving again. During my visit to Appeal the Directors put forward a compelling case for how a VAT cut would significantly help businesses like theirs.”Michael Madigan, Chief Executive of Appeal said, “The meeting was incredibly informative. After nearly 25 years in the business it is obvious that our knowledge of the industry will be invaluable. Ms Primarolo has asked us to submit further information on the effect of the significant changes in VAT during the past 4 years which we hope will lead to a personal visit by me and my industry counterparts to lobby senior figures in the Shadow Cabinet.”

Michael Madigan added, “The prime objective of this work with our local MP is to do as much as we can to encourage the Government to bring in policies that will immediately stimulate sales of our products. We thank her for her valuable time whilst visiting our factory and hope that we can play our part in this important campaign.”