ULTRA Powered Blinds

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Powered Blinds Make a Stylish Addition to Convenient, Automated Contemporary Living

We live in an automated age, our lives made more efficient by apps, wireless technology and labour-saving devices. In our offices, we are able to have virtual meetings and get deals done with a few strokes on a keyboard. In the car, on our way home, pre-sets and electric systems mean it takes seconds to make the seat comfortable, select a radio station, programme the sat nav and either open the windows and sun roof or choose our preferred air-con levels.

When we arrive home, it’s normal for us to tap a code into our security system’s wall panel; to see that the timing-controlled slow-cooker and washing machine are finishing up at exactly the right time; and, later on, settle down on the sofa with the audio-visual remote to fire up some music we downloaded earlier or on-demand TV we remote-programmed the Sky+ to record.

These are the norms of contemporary life. We wouldn’t expect to have to control each of our radiators separately and it’s not laziness that means we don’t get up to change channel – it’s the fact that the technology allows us to perform more complicated and personalised actions: pausing playback to programme the box to record a show later that evening, or whizzing at x30 through the ads.

For the same reasons, electrifying our home shading is another aspect of modern living – especially in contemporary living spaces and conversions with large expanses of glass.

She might get home in the evening, dying to change out of her work clothes – a press of a wall-mounted button drops all the blinds in the bedroom as she kicks off her heels.

He might need to work out which of the six blinds over the living room’s French windows would block out that annoying shaft of light that’s crept over the TV screen during the evening session of the cricket – a lot easier with the hand-held remote.

Alternatively, both of you might enjoy setting a timer to raise the shades in the morning, letting you wake up naturally as the sunlight pours in – or you could just grab the remote and send them down again for a weekend lie-in!

powered window blinds

Advantages of Powered Blinds

These are just some of the advantages of ULTRA, Appeal’s new collection of state-of-the-art, wire-free, powered window blinds. Driven by a hidden motor with no need for wiring to the mains – and available in an impressively diverse range of styles, fabrics and colours – ULTRA wire-free powered blinds are available at a surprisingly reasonable price (from £180 for a roller blind, including motor, power pack and charger plus design consultation, measuring, fitting and VAT).

ULTRA wire-free large window blinds dispense with the chains and cords of manual blinds, giving your windows an uncluttered look (and removing a hazard to young children), but there is also no need for plastic trunking on your walls to hide wiring to the mains. Instead, the headrail discreetly incorporates a quiet motor and a slim powerpack. Under normal usage, that power source will drive the motor for 12 months, before it is recharged as easily as your mobile phone. (And if you add a small solar panel, it’ll last even longer before needing recharging – in fact, with enough sunshine, it may never require recharging.

As well as touch-of-a-button control over single shades, groups of blinds or your whole home, you can opt for a number of automated options, available with the ULTRA control system. The timer option not only offers convenience, but can add to your home security when you’re away. Setting different rooms’ shades to lower at staggered times (especially in conjunction with lights on timers) gives the impression that your home is occupied.

Alternatively, a photosensitive control is ideal if you have artworks that are sensitive to direct sunlight. It will allow ambient light in throughout the day, but when strong enough light hits a certain part of the window, the lightmeter will tell the system to lower the blinds. This is also useful if you have houseplants that dry out in the direct glare of the sun and, in fact, helps protect the colours in your carpets, rugs and furnishings from fading.

Another useful option is thermostatic control. In the summer, set bedroom blinds to lower when the temperature reaches a certain level so they don’t become unbearably hot while you’re out – especially if you need to get children to sleep as soon as you get home.

window roller blindsPowered Blinds from Appeal

While some battery-powered electric blinds are available online, only ULTRA wire-free powered blinds come with Appeal’s renowned customer service, specialist expertise and quality control. Specifically, Appeal’s designs are made to measure, to suit the particular needs of your living space. Free design consultancy in your home, at a time to suit you, helps you decide which style – Roller, Pleated, Varalux or Veneto – would work best for you, as well as which of over 400 options of high-quality fabric, texture and colour you prefer.

You even have the option of innovative materials with specific benefits. You can choose translucence (ideal for bathrooms) or blackout (perfect for children’s bedrooms). Or opt for ULTRA Honeycomb blinds, whose unique double-layered, hexagonal construction provides an 80 per cent reflective barrier to deflect excessive heat in summer and offer added insulation in winter.

This is followed up by free measuring and fitting – including installation of the motor and powerpack and programming of your controls. All backed up with a 5 year guarantee.

ULTRA is the new standard in powered blinds for windows in all contemporary, automated homes…ULTRA-modern, ULTRA-efficient and ULTRA-stylish.

To find out more, discover our range of ULTRA powered blinds.