Health and Safety Information

Important Health & Safety Information for In Home Visits – updated 23 September 2020

To progress your consultation request/order, we will be required to visit your property. To facilitate this visit, we have taken measures to reduce risk both to you and to our employees in line with the Government’s guidelines as well as adhering to The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 legislation.

If a Public Health Authority, NHS or Government Department has asked you to self isolate then we will re-appoint your home visit to a time when the isolation period is completed.

All our Design Consultants follow strict health and safety protocols and neither they nor any member of their household will have had any Coronavirus symptoms in the last 14 days.

It is important that all parties follow the strict non-contagion guidelines contained in the document below which is based on Government regulations and guidelines.

Appeal Group Policy document – updated and issued 22 September 2020

The following policy is designed to ensure a safe working environment as well as establish best practice within Government Regulations.

Before the Appointment
1. Sales Appointments.  At the point of booking the appointment the customer is to be advised that we follow strict COVID-19 Health and Safety protocols.
2. Survey and Installation Appointments. When booking survey and installation appointments the customer should be advised as detailed above with the added request to advise us should they are shielding so suitable arrangements can be made. If a Public Health Authority, NHS or Government Department has asked the customer to isolate then the home visit is to be rebooked to a time where the isolation period is completed.
3. Before arriving at the appointment, the following items are required to be checked:
3.1. Suitable quantities of hand sanitiser, gloves, anti-bacterial/viral wipes and a clean face covering is available.
3.2. All samples, displays, folders, IT equipment, phones and tools are cleaned with anti-viral wipes.
3.3. Hands are cleaned with alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
3.4. Only items essential to the visit is to be taken into the property.
3.5. Wearing of face coverings is mandatory.

Face Coverings
4. Company representatives are to arrive wearing a face covering. Customers can then be given the choice whether or not face coverings are to be worn.

The Greeting
5. When greeting the customer, the following must be followed:
5.1. Stand at least 3m from the door to allow space for the customer.
5.2. Visibly re-clean your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
5.3. Place on a clean pair of gloves from a box of gloves, clearly showing they are unused and clean. Explain the gloves are to reduce risks.
5.4. Offer the client a new pair of gloves. Explain this also reduces risk of contamination from the samples/displays etc.
5.5. Ask the customer if they would prefer if the face covering is to be worn. If requested by the customer, this request MUST be complied with.
5.6. Specifically request entry to the property, consent must be given prior to entry.

During the Appointment
6. Whilst in the client’s property, the following must be followed:
6.1. Maintain 2m distances at all times where possible but where distance of less than 1m are needed a face cover is to be worn.
6.2. Observe the area prepared for the appointment and if not suitable request another location. The following must be met:
6.2.1. Only the client and one other to be present, the exclusion of children should be encouraged.
6.2.2. Adequate space to ensure the distancing rules can be followed.
6.2.3. In very small spaces such as bathrooms where work or measurements are required only the Appeal representative should enter the room, hold discussions outside these spaces.
6.3. Do not touch surfaces when transiting the property unless essential.
6.4. Items such as samples should be placed in a suitable position when offered to the customer then back away to allow them to pick up and handle, this includes tablets, laptops and phones.
6.5. All surfaces touched and hard surfaces of installed/repaired product is to be cleaned with anti-viral wipes before departure. Any PPE used by the Design Consultant or Installer will be removed by the Appeal representative.
6.6. Do not clean samples/IT etc until after departure from the property unless it is considered essential.
6.7. If at any time during the appointment the distancing rules cannot be complied with, consideration should be given to rescheduling the visit to a time to better suit the customer.

After the Appointment
7. After departing the property, the following must be followed:
7.1. Wipe down equipment touched by the client.
7.2. Where possible tools should be laid out and sprayed with Dettol spray.
7.3. IT/Phones to be wiped clean.
7.4. Remove and dispose of face covering and any other PPE used.
7.5. Gloves removed and hands cleaned with hand sanitiser.
7.6. Waste removed to be bagged and disposed of responsibly.

It is essential that all parties follow the strict non-contagion guidelines at all times. The protection measures we take ensure you, our valued customer, and our staff are offered the maximum protection at this time.  For any further queries please email

Thank you,

The Appeal Home Shading Team

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