How To Clean Conservatory Blinds

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We love conservatories here at Appeal Home Shading. They’re an ideal place to relax and unwind, idly watching the world outside and letting the hours tick by. However, they do require cleaning more than other rooms. This is especially true in summer when you’re more likely to have the windows open and a seemingly never-ending legion of insects flying in. 

Consequently, if you have window blinds installed, you may find yourself having to clean them more often. Luckily, this isn’t as time-consuming as you might think and it only takes a small amount of effort to keep your conservatory blinds looking terrific. Here’s how to do it. 

French Pinoleum Conservatory Roof Blinds

Cleaning Conservatory Blinds

The good news is that you don’t need to be any kind of DIY expert to clean your conservatory blinds. You also won’t have to go out and buy any specialist equipment either, you can do it with a few regular household items. Set aside an hour or so one Sunday afternoon a month, and try to make this part of your cleaning routine. 

Your first port of call is to dust your blinds. Using a standard dust cloth, give your blinds a good wipe down and you’ll remove most, if not all of the mess. You can also use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment, provided you put it on a lower setting (a higher one risks damaging the blinds). 

In most cases, this will sort your blinds out perfectly and get them looking their best. However, if they’ve picked up any stains, that’s no problem. Give them a rub with a damp cloth and a small amount of mild detergent. Leave the windows open to let the moisture escape and that should be the complete job.

Removing Insects From Conservatory Blinds

In the course of cleaning your blinds, you’ll almost certainly encounter a few dead insects. They have an irritating habit of flying into conservatories, getting trapped and then dying in them. Once you’ve swept up and removed your unwanted guests, how do you prevent new ones from getting in? 

You have several options. Installing discreet fly screens will do wonders at keeping bugs out, and they can be placed alongside most window blinds without interfering with them. If you have a limited budget, applying insect spray around your conservatory window frames can also help. It won’t eliminate the problem, but it will deter a few flies and reduce their numbers. 

The only other thing to bear in mind is personal safety. This won’t be an issue when cleaning your conservatory window blinds, but the roof blinds are another matter. Use a reliable step ladder and get a friend or family member to hold it steady. Yes, it might be quicker to just climb on the sofa and reach up, but you’re more likely to do yourself an injury and the last thing we want is anyone getting hurt. 

Solar-R insulating conservatory roof blinds

We’ve got into the habit of checking our conservatory blinds once every four weeks or so and it makes a world of difference. If left uncleaned, the dirt builds up remarkably quickly, but it only takes a little effort to get them looking their best. It’ll not only be more aesthetically pleasing, it’ll extend their lifespans as well. 

Of course, if you have any questions, we are here to help. You’re welcome to contact us on 0800 975 5757 and our expert staff will offer their advice. Alternatively, you can download a free brochure or book a design consultation. We can’t wait to hear from you.