Chik Blinds Vs French Pinoleum Blinds

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If you’re a devotee of social media, you may have noticed a recent fuss over ‘Chik blinds.’ They’re the latest hit in interior design and have been trending across certain corners of TikTok and Instagram over the last few weeks. Here at Appeal Home Shading, we’ve noticed an increasing number of queries about chik blinds and quite frankly, they caught us off guard. 

So, we thought we’d take a closer look at Chik blinds. They might be the current darlings of the internal shading world, but are they going to stay that way? And for everyone that doesn’t spend much time online, what on earth are they?

Retro Chik Blinds

Even if you’re not familiar with the term, you’ve probably seen Chik blinds. Chik blinds are a traditional design and were originally invented in India. They’re an especially fine type of window blind, usually made with horizontally woven strips of bamboo. They don’t block light so much as filter it and tend to give rooms a dappled effect. Chik blinds have a retro, rustic vibe but are quite versatile too and are a good choice if you want a minimalist look. 

We can understand why Chik blinds are making a comeback but truth be told, we think there are better choices. They have a vintage charm and make for a light, summery atmosphere, but they have drawbacks too and aren’t up to the standards of modern alternatives. If you’re a fan of them, you may find that French Pinoleum blinds are a better option.

The Advantages Of French Pinoleum

The reason for this is simple; French Pinoleum blinds have a similar effect as Chik blinds, but are better engineered and have several advantages. For example, Chik blinds might have a delightfully loose, billowy vibe, but they’re also fragile. They’re comparatively easy to damage and don’t fold as efficiently. 

In contrast, French Pinoleum blinds also fill rooms with dappled light but are sturdier. There’s less chance of accidentally ripping a hole in them and they’ll last much longer. They can be customised more too. It’s possible to get powered French Pinoleum blinds and there’s a wider selection of colours as well. You get all the nostalgic charm of Chik blinds but with more choice and a longer lifespan. Chik blinds may be tempting if you’re working with a smaller budget, but investing in French Pinoleum is worth it in the long run. 

In short, while Chik blinds might currently be all the rage, we can’t see them lasting. Their traditional look and quaint aura is certainly attractive, but French Pinoleum blinds have all those characteristics and will outperform them every time. The one advantage of Chik blinds is that they tend to be cheaper, but when you find yourself having to replace them after only a few years, that won’t seem like a benefit.

If you’d like to know more about the qualities of French blinds or any of our other products, why not download a free brochure? Or if we’ve convinced you to get started on a project, you can book a design consultation. We can’t wait to work with you.