Benefits of Wire Free Roof Lantern Blinds

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Appeal Home Shading is proud to supply wire free lantern roof blinds for homes across the UK. If you have a lantern roof, or you’re thinking about installing a roof lantern somewhere in your home, then getting the best view of the sky and enjoying an influx of natural light for your living space is crucial. However, lantern roofs can sometimes make your home feel too bright. As such, lantern roof blinds are an ideal solution, giving you control of your home’s lighting when you need it.

If you get standard lantern roof blinds, though, you might find that they don’t look as sleek as what they’re covering. It’s because these designs may have visible support wires, making the whole design look unsightly. Not only that, the support wires are often visible when the blinds are retracted, meaning you never get that perfect view you’re looking for. As a result, lantern roof blinds are harder to get right than you may expect and making the right investment can make a big impact.

Because of this, Appeal has committed itself to only installing wire free lantern roof blinds. We can offer ClearView Lantern Roof Blinds that have no visible support wires, meaning you get brilliant views of the sky above whenever you want them. Not only that, we’ve fitted these blinds with other fantastic features, too, such as pleated Honeycomb Energy Saver fabric as standard and our brilliant ULTRA® Smart technology to make your blinds automatic. Learn more by getting a free design consultation with our team today!

wire free roof lantern blinds

Benefits of ClearView Wire Free Lantern Roof Blinds

Unobstructed Views

With wire free lantern roof blinds, you’ll never have anything in the way of your lantern roof again. Our ClearView designs have no wires around them, making them discreet and easier to use. Because of this, you can enjoy perfect views when the blinds are retracted, but your home also looks better when the blinds are in operation. Your blinds will cover the full aperture of the roof lantern, and there’ll be no dangling wires to make your home look messy.

Because of the lack of wires in these roof lantern blinds, you can also count on Appeal to fit them made-to-measure. Without wires, the blinds will cover the whole roof lantern from corner to corner, meaning no space for natural light to creep in from beyond the blinds. As a result, you can reduce glare inside your home, protecting you from intense sunlight and making it easier to use screens in your living space. You’ll even improve your home’s insulation, reflecting heat away to keep you cool and keeping cold air out to keep you warm.

ULTRA® Smart Operation

With our wire free lantern roof blinds, you benefit from ULTRA® Smart technology across your design. Rather than have to put up with unsightly wires, you won’t have to operate your blinds manually in any way. Our ClearView Lantern Roof Blinds come with a quiet motor and a slim, rechargeable power pack that allows them to operate automatically. You can use a remote to retract your blinds or extend them, too, meaning you can control your home’s lighting without having to get off of the couch.

With this electric operation, you’ll find that your blinds last longer, as well. Our wire free lantern roof blinds won’t fold or crease when opening, meaning you maintain that factory-fresh look for years to come. And, with the option of ULTRA® PLUS operation, you can make your blinds work for you in all-new ways. Our unique technology allows you to control your lantern roof blinds via smartphone, tablet, or even voice command with smart home hubs without moving a muscle!

Performance in All Sizes

Another way our ClearView Lantern Roof Blinds can enhance your home is in their bespoke design. With no wires across our range of roof lanterns, you can fit larger blinds that can cover even the most expansive of skylights in your home. Our roof lantern blinds are now available in sizes of up to 2000mm wide and 3800mm long, and you can choose any made-to-measure size lower than that as well. Because of this, you’ll always get a perfect fit, giving you better lighting control, privacy and heat retention throughout the year.

Additionally, we design our wire free lantern roof blinds to improve how your home looks and feels every day. Our blinds come with our pleated Honeycomb Energy Saver material as standard, with a unique double-layered hexagonal weave that allows them to reflect more heat away from your home. You’ll benefit from reduced glare and improved heat reflection, helping you stay cool on hot summer days. And, when winter comes around, the increased insulation could even help you rely on your central heating less to stay warm.

wire free roof lantern blinds prices

Wire Free Lantern Roof Blinds from Appeal

Find out more about our wire free lantern roof blinds today by contacting Appeal Home Shading! We offer bespoke ClearView Lantern Roof Blinds to suit any home, and you can speak to our friendly team to make sure you get a dream design that fits perfectly.

So, if you’re installing a roof lantern or have one already, book a free design consultation with our team today to see how much our blinds might improve it. And, if you want more detailed information, download a free brochure.